Civil Partnership

Going through a breakup is often very upsetting and stressful, however Mander Cruickshank are here to assist you.  A Civil Partnership which has ended irretrievably can be legally dissolved by applying to the courts for a dissolution.  Financial provisions, care arrangements of children and children of the family can also be dealt with, very much resembling a legal marriage divorce.  We can apply for the dissolution providing the duration of the partnership has exceeded one year and the grounds applicable to a divorce are satisfied, these being:-

  • Unreasonable behaviour (adultery shall fall into this category);
  • Desertion for a period of two years or more;
  • Two years’ separation, with the partner’s consent; or
  • Five years’ separation, without the partner’s consent.

Please contact Kathryn via email or telephone our Coalville Office on 01530 510666 to discuss your individual needs.